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are sedevacantists heretics

Sedevacantism is the position held by some people who identify as Catholic that the present occupier of the Holy See is not truly the pope due to the mainstream church's espousal of what they see as the heresy of modernism and that, for lack of a valid pope, the See has been vacant since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 or the death of Pope John XXIII in 1963. You have the … Nothing could be further from the truth. The Sedevacantists do not want to be ruled by the Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor just like they do not want to be ruled by the Holy Roman Pontiff. This is the opinion Bellarmine holds, and the one Sedevacantists mistakenly believe supports their position. The sedevacantists may have many legitimate criticisms of the Church, but we return to the words of St. Peter: "Lord, to whom shall we go? What sedevacantists object to is a Mass being offered “Una Cum” or in union with a Vatican II pope and the local bishop who do not cherish the Catholic and Apostolic Faith as do ‘all orthodox believers and professors of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith,’ as the first part of the Roman Canon reads. Sedevacantists are those who claim that that the "Conciliar popes", that is to say Pope John XXIII and his successors, were heretics and therefore forfeited the papacy. Before we begin, a clarifying reminder may be in order: We sedevacantists do not believe that Francis has lost the Papacy, either due to heresy or for any other reason. Let’s return to one specific aspect of Skojec’s theory. But the evil Sedevacantists deny this because they are Nationalists at heart. He says: Since only the Church (most specifically in the person of the pope, who is her supreme legislator) has the authority to say that a pope is a heretic, and thus, in fact, an antipope, a pope would have to in a fit of conscience accuse himself, or a successor of his would have to accuse him posthumously. Sedevacantists love modern democracy because they are heretics. One is that they believe that the post-conciliar popes are heretics. The “Heretical” Popes Part 1: Adrian VI [UPDATE 07-APR-2015: The First Vatican Council on the Question of a Heretical Pope] There are two major lines of argument used by people who are rabidly anti-sedevacantist; that is, those who oppose the position of Sedevacantism not on account of evidence, real or imagined, but on account of a desire to see … The “judgment by usurpation”, which is contrary to both justice and charity, extends beyond private individuals making public “declarations” that the Pope has lost his office, to the status of other Catholics, including their fellow sedevacantists, whom they rashly accuse of being heretics. but a heretic is not a member of the Church, now, Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI are heretics, therefore, they are neither members nor head of the Church, ... A few sedevacantists hold that he has been or will … 5) The Fifth Opinion maintains that if a Pope becomes a “manifest heretic”, he is ipso facto deposed. As noted above, t he Sedevacantists hold a version of the 2 nd Opinion

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