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when a guy is suddenly rude to you

What did he do? The three day rule is just sad. . Think about how much he doesn’t care about your day and your feelings do not matter, according to him you have become unimportant. It’s human. I’m glad i didn’t hound him. This was a really insightful article and I do appreciate the perspective. You are the mature, straight foward guy women are looking for. But he definitely helped me open my eyes. The best thought I’d have is that he is into you but doesn’t want to be hurt so hexcited puses you away. Back off, stop texting him….and keep busy with your own life and friends! He ended up giving me the, “You should date someone with more time” line. I’m so confused and kind of upset:(. You want to spend more time with each other, but he believes a relationship means meeting once a week. It really hurts. I just want to thank you so much. Mind you, I only had just started communicating with her for a couple of days before this started. Your right, why am I chasing him ? © 2021 Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | About Us | Write for Us | Contact Us. I usually agree with your advice but this time you didn’t actually help. He found out, got jealous, and asked me to choose. LOL. Good relationships tend to come about when you’re swimming with the current, not against it. (I’m at work, people. During this time he would introduce me to all hos friends, who obviously knew who i was and he even wanted meet his dad. I’m glad I’m not the only one going through this. We went on a date and I could tell he genuinly had as much as fun as I did and he told me this more than once and spoke about other activities we should also do, as well as how awesome he thinks I am. When people talk about having a relationship with yourself, what does that really mean in the deepest sense? Hey dude – I appreciate that. First of all that was absolutely HIS problem. We texted and I answered his questions. But i know that he hasn’t because he has responded a couple times before ditching me and he has posted photos and posts on instagram and facebook from his phone. This brought back all the feelings i had for him but left me really confused I felt he was giving me mixed messages. He tells me daily how much he likes me and enjoys being with me and can’t wait to spend time with me again. This is a brilliant suggestion ! Sometimes, all you need is a conversation to sort things out. He did send me one message the other day telling me he loved me but that was all and I haven’t heard from him since. My boyfriend broke up with me in march but, he said he wanted to gain back my trust so we stayed friends. I think its so unbelievably unfair how this happens to many girls, and its so painful. 2 days ago he just stopped texting me and I have no idea of what should I do? Great inspiring story! You will never be happy if you keep chasing him . I know his phone didn’t break because he’s been on twitter. Big mistake!!! Just go back to being quiet I guess. I have question what if I have already text him 5 times. In many cases, when someone doesn’t text you back, it might stir up feelings of fear or worry that the other person has lost interest or is going to leave. Bad right?! How hard is it to say, “texting constantly is too distracting”? It’s your right to get an explanation, you’re mature enough to settle a closure than just letting it go like this. I’m kind of going through the same thing. Thank you! I knew this guy for 2 years and have been dating for most of that plus we work together. Thanks. That accounts for some of the guys, but not the majority… the reality is that most guys, if they’re in a situation where you’ve made a number exchange have a spark of interest at least. Thank you so much for all your great advice!! Hi Vanessa thank you for responding, the bastard contacted me the very next day after I first posted here. Thank You! wasn’t okay with the fact that he asked me to keep secret that we were talking and wasn’t comfortable with being asked to visit him where he works and where I also work in the evening when no one was around. Anyway, yesterday was the first time he didn’t call me. In my opinion I think the guy loses interest after he realizes that he isn’t going to get “any” with just flirty texting and that he actually has to go on a date with this person he is texting. Or did I act too soon and he thinks I called it off lol? If he didn’t like me or didn’t want to see me again I feel he would have stop texting all together right after I left but he’s the one to text first. I’ve always wanted the answer to this…. Then he resurfaced for a few days after Christmas with a “Hi beautiful” text only to disappear again just before New Years. But I really liked the guy. But each time we were together, it’s like we never wanted to part. Until then, I’m not assuming anything. Your daughter should be proud she has such a caring and honourable da. You sound like a hoe rather than a girlfriend. thanks :). You know what I mean? If you want to contact me, feel free to reach out on Facebook or Twitter. So I move on with my life. I need to know why he didn’t respond ! When he stops replying, my ex and just got bk together and we whent form talking all the time to not really talking much today he called a number he though t was his brother and it was a girl he was trying to get her name and then all the suddon he muted it we were on skype and he muted it and he been acting funny. I would also like to add to this that if a guy is truly interested then he should make a move and ask the girl out to start a relationship outside of texting. I txtd him and asked him a question and it was my only txt after spending the night with him on the weekend, I asked if we would be going to the hockey game next wknd like he said we were. We manages to see each other once or every other week out of our busy schedules though I would love to get together more. So if anything, I’m saying just the opposite of how you interpreted the article…. Texts have been cut back dramatically and this weekend he didn’t call me at all. Thank you for the comment, I really appreciate hearing that. Anyways out of the blue stopped texting me, etc, texted him a few times with no response, was heartbroken and so confused . I just can’t deal with the mind games anymore. so thanks. * told him him and my bf were broken up and that he was moving out at the end of the month But then, just like you, I didn’t want him back anymore because of what he did, but that’s not really what I feel like doing. Take your “advice” and shove it up your ass. I’ve just come to accept the fact that maybe love wasn’t meant for me. if its going to happen, its going to happen. What does this have to do with relationships though? Speak your mind, stop being a coward when it comes to men, and stop encouraging other women to be cowards. Input? He will get in touch when he can. It’s true. Why are you handing him the keys to your self-worth? When did it become okay to just leave people hanging? f. I was seeing someone for awhile and we would talk via text almost every day, when we wouldn’t talk I would freak out and assume I did something wrong, he was over me, or whatever. Hes been on face book and read my messages that I sent him but he didn’t respond and he won’t answer my phone calls or texts, should I just walk I way because honestly if a man wants me he will make it known. So I didn’t know if he wasn’t interseted but this actually really helped me THANKS :) apparently guys dont like texting as much as us girls ;) You’re great :). He is just not into “you”. Do you want to compete with a TV? If you’re dating a lazy texter ( only texts to make plans, not really anything flirty or random) who admits to being lazy about it, should the girl just go ahead and text him? But recently I’ve been texting him first pretty much 100% of the time. No help from you needed. Should I stop doing that? My man doesn’t get mean when I talk. A crush may also make it hard for you to concentrate, because your mind will keep drifting to him. Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. My point is, don’t freakout. I knew a guy in high school and we had a class together and would chat in that class and had fun. Or, yes of course, he might not be all that into you in the first place and be fading away.  And if so, do yourself a favor and let him go… there are plenty of signs a guy isn’t into you and it’s a fruitless venture to think you’re going to convince him he should be. I did see on fb that he has a girlfriend now so I don’t know if maybe that’s why he isn’t talking to me as much but idk why he wouldn’t just tell me that. The question you can ask yourself is: “If there’s something I want in my relationship, how can I make sure doing that ‘something’ feels really good to him?”, Figure out the answer to that for yourself and relationships will never be hard or confusing for you…. Truly. I was reluctant and I thought he understood that I wasn’t comfortable with that. This has happened before with another guy who i liked but wasn’t a close friend or anything and i blew up at him and things were just horrible between us. Cheers and have a wonderful Sunday evening. Everything was fine within that few mths, constantly contacting each other with texts. This is the first time he has done this. Two days ago he apologized for not talking and knows it upsets me because I worry about him. :( I scared him away…maybe he’s not coming back, i am so sure. I’m not saying don’t have an awareness of what’s going on around you.  I’m not saying become like a robot, absent of emotion in general.  What I am saying is don’t react to the stuff that’s happening or your mind’s thoughts about things.  CHOOSE not to have a reaction and be cool with everything. For real. . It will be great with or without the man you worry about but, only if you allow it. lol, should i assume this is the issue with my guy? I say all this because I want to drive home the point that there is much more to having a healthy relationship than being in constant contact with your partner. He only contacts me the day he wants to hang out, which is like once every 2-3 weeks. I did not ask him to move into my neighborhood he did it all on his own, much to my surprise. I did the whole freakout. I would never badger a friend who didn’t answer me back, so why do it to a guy? So just to get that out of the way: When a guy likes you, it’s obvious. My situation is as much about the content of the texts (talking about things we are going to do months from now when we haven’t even met yet) as it is the frequency, but I do think it gets to the heart of the issue. I got What I wanted. What should i do now? Dating is about selecting someone who’s a good fit for you. Instead, he only looks at you as an accessory to satisfy his own needs. I don’t know what the happy medium is, but as a few others have said, it takes two seconds to text a quick response, no days! But should I be focusing on the fact that he never has been a big caller/texter and that he did say he had a busy week and how when we are together he is very attentive and thoughtful? I would never know why/what happened. Then I had to become okay with not understanding. From a man this hits home for me. However, I got a case of the crazies this weekend. Because when I write to them to end the silence, I’m mostly doing it out of a place of fear, and that’s not healthy. And when I see him he used to look directly in my eyes but now.. he can’t and he woun’t.. about the inappropriate bootycalls? I’m at a point where even if he ever contact me. If he really liked you a whole lot, he would want to talk to you all the time. a few flirty texts here and there will do the trick, as will being relaxed if you dont get an immediate response. Why does he do this? Even though he doesn’t always answer my texts (& I don’t text him that much – I’m not the type to bug people – just like to let him know I’m thinking about him), I expect him to text me if he makes tentative plans to see me, etc., and then gets caught up at work, etc. Whether or not this is the case, your worrying isn’t going to change what is true… all it will do is drain you of energy…. So I texed him and he was realy sweet it almost seemed like we were thogether again he even textt me and asked me if he was going too c mee tonight. I started talking to this guy that I met at my job. Then we had a movie matharon and sleep over with the group. In the back of my mind I wonder should I just call him and find out what’s the matter, I will never move on if I don’t get closure, I’ll always wonder what did I do that was so bad. I really enjoyed this article! This is where you recharge your metaphorical batteries… and this is where your partner does as well. HaHaHa. I was chatting with a old online friend for half of August. Actually ive been through such a thing but we texted for 5 months and he suddenly just stopped and that hurts like a pain in the neck… i undrestand, Very helpful advice! We have been going out for more than a month now. Regardless… just remember… in relationships: The garden you water, grows. Did I do something wrong? Should I ask him why he hasn’t talked to me as much lately? But if you can be cool about it and occupy your life with other fulfilling things, you’ll be able to give them enough space to come around and reach for you when they’re ready. And if that doesn’t work, you need to walk! He went on by saying I should not be obsessive and judge if he cares by how he texts me, which I totally am not. I met a wonderful man over a month ago and we hit it off. I personally would not want to talk to someone who found it annoying when they had to text a girl because they dont like texting. we kissed and said goodbye. I guess I hate neediness but I neither can stand this distance. My experience is…once they start acting up and being disrespectful, it is time to dump them. . If I was you I wouldn’t worry too much about it. If you ask him, will he really tell you the truth? im also in the situation today….my ldr bf left me hanging for 2days….im glad that i didnt annoy him for sending messages… il wait for him to reply my last message…because i dont know if hes busy at work or just wait and i hope he will comeback and send me a message soon. It has only been 2 days he might have something else he needs to attend to. I asked him If everithink is ok and told him he is everything I ever needed ( I love him a lot and I want to make him happy) . If he really likes you he’ll contact you again, but do yourself a favor and resist calling or texting him. Free yourself to be with a man who’s emotionally available and won’t turn into a vapor trail after you give your heart to him. These daydreams , fantasies and never ending thoughts of him & his life are simply maddening ! I have been dealing with a guy for two years. We both got tipsy and I ended up at his place and we had sex 5 times ( best sex of my life ). This is some of the best advice I’ve ever heard! Most guys aren’t so manipulative, but some are… If you can’t find hard evidence you have to let that go as your imagination. Good luck and thanks for the post. I’m so confused, looking at our last chat he seemed very vague but I really didn’t see this coming. This is the greatest thing I’ve read all day! OK… the biggest enemy here is yourself and your fixation on her. xx. Now, out of the blue, he just disappeared. How did you deal with it and how it turned out? This only lasted for a couple days and then all of a sudden our texts became very minimal to the point of no more texts. I am not very good at the texting guy thing. I don’t know he just stopped texting me. This worried me that he is not interested anymore. Carry on with your own life. What if a guy textes you after three days with a “heeeeeeeyyyyyy whats up? When we’re in the heat of the moment or drowning in emotion, it can be the hardest thing in the world to do the “right” thing and instead do whatever we feel like. Maya. Keep focusing on yourself and your health and happiness and the right guy will come along. I sometimes did have the feeling that he liked me because he asked me to the prom and said that he wanted to go for dinner with me and my friends. And I’ve been waiting for a response for almost a month! It just tearing me apart … I want it so bad. When he told me this he said that he is always busy but hearing from me makes him smile. I just wanted to add something to the statement below: ” I feel like I’m not being respected when he flakes out, gets busy, or whatever you wanna call it, and doesn’t text or call to say he’s not gonna make it.”. It’s good to always focus on your own life and keep a peaceful heart… Now it’s been over a day without hearing from him and we haven’t made concrete plans to hang out. Just stay optimistic, busy yourself and you will be surprised. Question: Would it be alright to have mypartners quickly give you a call to talk about what I mean? I’ve had to move on. I just dont understand that. i think the main problem ive seen as ladies is that we tend to be in denial and make excuses for guys just because we are super attracted to them. Is he really a mean boyfriend, or did you just misunderstand what he said. Mind Control 10/26/18: IT Management Log (4.26) Jillian's log tracks her troubles with a new employee. Why did he contact me again, after telling me he doesn't see a future with me? S interested in me because he complimented me. Although if i were nasty to my fiance when he returned. i really like this guy but i feel like he gets turned off by everything i say, alot of people are telling me he texts every now on then so you wont turn him in ,because the thing is we work at this place that we are not allowed to date co-workers so we started to text and we met once and he kissed me and everything was going good until one day i told him you know i just want you to know that if your looking for sex and only sex that’s not me, because he was texting about some R rated stuff like real sexual and i wanted to tell him where i stand before i get hurt later on and also i asked him if he was actually interested in me? It’s like it was written just for me :) I’m having this exact problem right now and this article really helped. Please help, my heart is broken again. Why did he lose your trust? Would be the same way around vice versa? any advice would be great! He now has a 45 minute commute to get to work. He. Move on with your life, you sound like a confident girl who has her act together. for him. I immediately felt an uncomfortable sensation in the pit of my stomach and it wasn’t a good feeling. I tryed not to make a big deal out of it, and one night he asked me to come over, so I did, and it was the first night we slept together. this is a lost cause, I should have not sent those other messages. Tell me why he behave in such way. And the second you believe that, the guy has you… he knows that you’ve conned yourself into believing that he holds the key to your happiness – and he can very easily withhold and grant the access to that key to get you to do anything… Confront him, he needs a little slap in a face. My solution is to go back to not giving two f**ks, but after a while those kind of games become exhausting. He might have been texting for the five days and then was thought, “Wow, this is really time consuming and distracting from… the rest of my life!”. Spend energy on making yourself happy and healthy, and stop expecting so much attention from these poor guys! Same goes for relationships and attraction.  It’s called a self-fulfilling prophecy. Hehe, thanks so much – that’s so cool! All those nasty “what ifs” tend to pop up into my head. Anyone who doesn’t text for days is just being an ass! He asked for my number and wanted to know if I had any plans for the following evening. The thing is i never lost my feelings for him. To matter. This is frustratingly sad, but the guy you love may only be using you to get something from you. If he was interested, he would be pursuing. Now I realise it’s probably best for both of us to relax for a day or 2. but anyway, please keep it coming…u may never know just how much u r appreciated…God bless u eric :)…oh n u r hot…;)hehehehe! Did he just want sex? By that I mean, love your life, love yourself and believe with every fiber of your being that you are hot and that every guy would love to be with you. It goes great! About signs of a mad Cap, well, it’s his way of signaling you to stop being so rude. I wanted too but I knew deep down that if I did, I would come across as being insecure and that it would not make a difference for him in regards to what he did or didn’t think about me. The guy of interest will get your text no doubt because our phones are glued to us.. he will read it then decide to put the text away until he “feels” like texting back. This demonstrated the confidence that I have in myself and has me to grow as a person. so anyway have a lovely night” it’s been 8 days since and i still havent heard from him and before i was playing it cool but now im starting to get worried. We met in person several times and everything went really well. important points: Scholar, feminine ,stunningly gorgeous, cook , clean , active..etc. It just bewildered me. It doesn’t talk down to you or make you feel “crazy”. I’m just wondering what’s causing the drop off? :). Been over 2 hours. This was awesome. This article was very insightful and I enjoyed reading it. Both of us really into each other and was willing to drive 7hrs and stay at a hotel. is not texting me any more as much as before. You are amazing! Smh…not to mention he contracted herpes from some threesome…thank god I didn’t catch nothing from him. I guess I could really use this advice. Many of us have been in relationships before with someone who might have become possessive and the hint of that early on can and will scare us off. Sooner or later, though, there will be a point where the person you’re seeing doesn’t text back and you’re left wondering what they’re up to…. So i texted him today. He might not even be honest enough or understand himself enough to know what happened himself. Sleeping all day implicates the unwillingness to, learn, & live. It’s one thing if I text you on a Monday morning and don’t hear back from you until the end of the work day–or even not until the next day because you were super busy. Should I still give him a chance but, just watch him more closely? He also said he considered me very pretty and that i would make his days happier. That’s rubbish. Do you think his feelings for me have changed??? I am going throgh an something like this too :( really hurts because I actually care about this guy a lot, and I don;t know how to move on. -Jessica. Im expecting the texts will stop for a day or two now cause thats the way it seems to be going. Hi Michele, Especially after we had spent time being close and he had been very affectionate. We were like best friends, then we both admitted we liked each other after our date, but I don’t get it. So will he ever text me? Think about it? The window of opportunity has already past in that case. In july i found out after i set him up he told me he had sex with one of his ex. I never push the conversation i most of the time let him initiate! Thanks for this post! Plss help. This is someone whom “needs alcohol”, and that molly stuff. And step away. the secret is.. always think positive!!! I’m always first to message him, so I’ve stopped messaging him. Texting/calling me everyday, sleepover, planning activities months down the road with me, too much too soon I guess. You are so lucky!! This is frustratingly sad, but the guy you love may only be using you to get something from you. suddenly he stoped texting me. Now I do want to say, I didn’t go wild with texts… I’d just send one with a “how’s your day” or something and leave it like that until I heard back. The punchline here is this: If a guy not texting you back is upsetting to you, instead of paying attention to what the mind wants to pull you into fixating one (what the guy should be doing, what you fear it means, what you need to do in reaction, etc. All you need to do is talk. So he can miss you and then when he finally calls or comes to you welcome him with open arms. When I am around him, he is always texting some female and it makes me wonder why he can’t do the same for me? After that things got even wierder. :D I have a friend of mine that has been my friend since February 2017, we’ve been close in the school year, and we would always talk to each other, but July is the month that changed him idk why, but he’s not texting me as he used to, now he’s ignoring me all the time and I’m super mad about it, he told me he was in Saskatchewan but then I see a pic of him and his friends together! By they way I go to school with him and we have one class together. Your post was very insightful and really put my thoughts into perspective! No i don’t like it…i can’t like something that sounds so stupid.I don’t know what experience he has , how many relationships he has been in .Anyway is my opinion if he doesn’t like it he can delete it but don’t call me stupid u don’t know me idiot ! I've yet to find an advice piece online that doesn't automatically assume the girl is annoying the absolute crap out of the guy and doesn't understand what having a life means and it's not the other way around. I know this entry was a while ago, but I think you handled yourself well. A couple months ago he said he wanted to be exclusive. pls reply. shall we continue or not, is he interested in me or not? But now he doesn’t come on. The first actual date we hate we went to his house before going to the movies because his parents were having a party and he introduced me to his parents and all his parents friends who he’s close with. Great words of advice as well! Would you have a quick moment to discuss some strategies where my I think we can work together to produce more visitors/calls to We hang out about once a week on average…he plans the dates, he initiates the calls…I try to let him do that as I feel he should be the one to pursue and from what I’ve read guys want to do that…though I will once in a while send him a text to say hi or tell a funny story. My boyfriend hasn’t responded to texts in a week.. Even if it’s not that girl, there will be another that he has more of an interest in because if if was interested in you, his actions would show it. :(, So i met this guy hes 14 years older then me and So wonderful I am 24 almost .. i met him at a work place and he approched me, and gave me his number it was good for the first coup;e weeks now all of a sudden hes not talking yes i do text him alot but not trying to annoy him . That’s not to say that women in today’s world don’t need space in their own lives.  They absolutely do. In the subj line of email he told me who it was)… I thought about it and after a couple days called & left a msg with my number. he replied me a few times but he stopped texting me. My guy is quiet in the morning because he’s still waking up but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t speak; if I don’t speak then he thinks something is wrong, so you see not every guy is the same realize that. He will wonder were you are ;) Its good to put a little space in between you and him. Or maybe he’s just not interested… Which would kinda suck, he’s a pretty great guy and I think he needs a pretty great girl like me. I just need to stick to it and realize that it’s not just me who’s had this kind of situation. He is a hardworking blue-collar worker ( mechanic asst and hvac) ; he is irritable, yet functional. i do that. I will be having my final exam so soon, but this really distract my concentration. I do have one tiny question and I hope you’ll answer it. I’m not throwing a pity party its just the way my love life as always been. I’m in a little bit of a bind and I need ( well, maybe not need but — I would like… ) a guy’s opinion on the situation. But there is such a thing as common courtesy and etiquette. This one girl in my english class says that he cheated on her best friend last year, but that just doesn’t seem like him. You either like a girl or you dont, dont lead her on. Thanks for this article! SO with my understanding of this article is “f*** it”? everyone likes different things and you can’t know what’s on their minds, I said the one I was dating I liked him on 3rd date haha…look, if he’s for you he will come back, if not, leave him…I will never contact him again, I’ve done silly things but he too…so don’t worry too much, there are SO MANY GUYS out there! i did find you lowkey attractive but i had a bf. You keep her jumping through #$@! I met this really hot, nice guy 3 days ago at a kids play land. 07 (4.68) Their biggest dare yet leaves them stranded naked in … ” then he just text I was doing lunch. so here is the thing he asked me to be his GF and i said that i need to get to know him more and meet him before i can make that desicion which he seemed cool with, then i dont hear from him and then he will message me say when am i going to see you. We hung out once a week for the next month and texted pretty often. It’s sunday now and I have yet to hear from him. I’ve never been lucky in this department of my life, and I know why. Like only texting and chatting but we became more awkward in person because of his friends and mine’s too.

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