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words to describe the music industry

This fee is set by the Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel (CARP) and relates to any release from 2006 until 2013 after which it will be revisited and re-set. Describes a use of music in media without a license such as in live TV when it allows music to be used one time in a specific context without payment to the publisher or master rights holder, such as half time music at a sports event. See also Work For Hire. Even though “writing about music is like dancing about architecture” like Gerald Klickstein said, we can always try to do that. Symphony. Both downward and upward compression reduce the dynamic range of an audio signal. sh!t. A cue sheet designation meaning that an instrumental is being performed on-camera as a performance and is usually considered a featured use. A musical parody, a satirical imitation of a literary or musical piece of work, involves changing existing recognized musical ideas or lyrics. Authorizes the sale of a composition in printed or digital form and is issued to a company that manufactures and distributes printed music. Join Macmillan Dictionary on Twitter and Facebook for daily word facts, quizzes and language news. The owner of the copyright has the exclusive right to print sheet music, folios, band parts, and arrangements for specific instruments. If a writer or their heirs entered into an agreement assigning or licensing a renewal copyright before January 1, 1978, whatever rights were granted could be recaptured for the renewal term’s final 39 years. hillbilly (noun): an impolite word meaning a poor mountain farmer in the U.S.A. - In Nashville, old-time music was called hillbilly music. If you would like to make an AMV file work with additional programs, it is possible to convert an AMV file into a more common file type, such as AMV to AVI, AMV to MPEG, AMV to WMV, AMV to MP4, AMV to 3GP. Note: if a copyrighted work is listed without a notice it still maintains its copyright protection but in the event of an alleged infringement, proving your copyright (details dates etc.) acoustic adjective. The specific amount of money lost by the victim is reimbursed by actual or compensatory damages. Music Piracy And The Music Industry 1833 Words | 8 Pages. Today is much different as there are now three major labels, many independent labels and the artists who decide to do it themselves and be … Artist managers, booking agents, music publishers, labels, A&Rs and others – we’ll treat them all. A contract between a publisher and songwriter(s) where the songwriter assigns to the publisher the copyright in one particular song in return for a percentage of royalty income. Usually consisting of the globally recognised copyright symbol “©” or the word ‘Copyright’, in some cases the year of publication and the name of the copyright owner. Downward compression reduces loud sounds over a certain threshold while quiet sounds remain unaffected. We have collected almost all the words related to Music Vocabulary and listed them here for your reference. A digital pulse or signal used to help musicians stay in time with an exact beat/tempo while they record. An MP3 file, for example, that has an average bit rate of 128 kbit/s transfers, on average, 128,000 bits every second. (unlike In Context Use). For example, a record company that owned the publishing rights to an artist’s songs could use the income from the artist’s publishing income against the un-recouped advance from a recording contract. A term referring to methods used to control or restrict the use of digital media content on electronic devices, such as CDs, DVDs etc. This is considered a priceless element of the human experience that has the power to transport the imagination and move emotions. XLR: A 3-pin male/female connector originally developed by Canon that is commonly used to carry balanced analog audio signals for microphones. chart-topping adjective. The wave might be stored as a physical texture on a phonograph record, (a ‘vinyl’) or a fluctuation in the field strength of a magnetic recording (on ‘tape’). A term used in contracts allowing a party to collect royalties from a composition (or contract) and apply the income against the un-recouped advance balance of another song or contract. It's just a representation, a manifestation of what's constantly changing around us. The number of times a song is played is tracked and the pool of blanket license money is divided up in accordance to the number of plays and the value of those plays. AAC is also the default or standard audio format for YouTube, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Nintendo DSi, iTunes, DivX Plus Web Player and PlayStation 3, AAC has also seen some adoption on in-dash car audio especially on high-end units such as the Pioneer AVIC series. disc … When music is performed by a business they must obtain a license to use that music and compensate the author (composer and lyricist) and publisher, such income from these licenses is collected by the relevant Performing Rights Organisations (PROs) such as BMI, ASCAP and SESAC. chart verb. The library is usually offered under a Blanket License. The music industry is the way in which the music we want to hear is potrayed to the audience. Soothing. Fair Use is a doctrine that might allow limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from or payment to the rights holders. 0 1. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. Positive words to describe music, sounds and melody | synonyms for music. A cue sheet term indicating that a vocal is performed on-camera. Downward compression reduces loud sounds over a certain threshold while quiet sounds remain unaffected, whilst alternately Upward compression increases the loudness of sounds below a threshold while leaving louder passages unchanged. The notes often contain other reference items such as dialogue, camera moves, and sync code. Unlike other forms of intellectual property, music royalties have a strong linkage to individuals such as composers (score), songwriters (music) lyricists (lyrics) and even writers of musical plays, each of whom can enjoy the exclusive copyright to created music and can license it for performance independent of corporates. sh!t. Shout. Expanders are generally used to make quiet sounds even quieter by reducing the level of an audio signal that falls below a set threshold level. You can download an Exclusive Songwriting Agreement contract template here. The music industry overall seems to be valuing women's voices more than they did when I started in it 14 years ago. The person or persons who create musical compositions for motion pictures and other audiovisual works. Copyright Office, a registration by the author or the heirs (or their authorized agent) can be renewed for a second term of 67 years if it was a copyright originally registered prior to January 1st 1978. Refers to royalty income from sale of physical format music (typically compact discs) but the scope is much wider and covers any copyrighted audio composition that is rendered mechanically (that is without human performers), such as taped recordings, DVDs, ringtones, MIDI files, computer games, music videos, and even musical toys. One of the commonly cited causes for the lack of success of organizational change is “resistance to change.” (Palmer) Streaming music also known as downloading music … The unique number that which will be assigned to a musical composition to assist in electronic identification of performances. Part of the Copyright Act providing for royalties to be paid to songwriters, publishers, recording companies and artists for the importation and manufacture of digital audio recordings such as CDs tapes etc. How would you describe your music to a favorite aunt, a non-musician? concept of file sharing within the music industry, music labels were forced to transfer their power into the consumer's hands. This essay on The Music Industry was written and submitted by your fellow student. Production music (also known as stock music or library music) is the name given to recorded music produced and owned by production music libraries and licensed to customers for use in film, television, radio and other media. A license authorising the reproduction of musical works, granted by the Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency (CMRRA) on behalf of publishers and copyright owners in Canada. Music is more than a collection of sounds and melodies. A song must be registered with the author’s affiliated Performance Rights Organization (PRO) such as ASCAP, BMI or SESAC, so that the correct percentages of royalties are paid. The audio data is not stored on the destination computer. Writing about music? Describes an audio component included within a film, television show or other visual production. Also known as ‘Back-End Deal’. Also called ‘Royalty-free Music’, this term describes music that can be used in audio-visual works without a synchronization license or fee. See also Co-Publishing. underground rap (noun): rap music by artists outside the music industry - I never hear underground rap on the radio. There are more than 200 PRO’s throughout the world. Music is pure expression with sound. Of the 12% of songwriters who are women, only 26% have worked more than once in the last six years. The phrase “symphony” seems within the name of many orchestras, for example, the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the St. Louis Symphony, the Houston Symphony, or Miami’s New … The terms of agreement between songwriter and song plugger are negotiated, the reward for the song pluggers’ positive results can be a fee, ownership rights in the copyright, or interest in the revenue from royalties. Answer Save. The gender gap gets even wider when you look … Works originally copyrighted between 1964 and 1977 are automatically renewed by statute, regardless of whether a renewal registration is made for them. Copyright Act. What do you think of the answers? Looking for some descriptive words for music? The unauthorized recording and selling of a song. Non-Dramatic Performance (such as public performance of a song over radio, TV, in clubs or hotels, concerts etc.) In contractual terminology, exclusive rights would ensure the party buying the specific right(s) enjoys the benefit of exclusivity, thereby excluding the owner of said item or service to legally take a contract with any other parties for the same item or service. 4. Find more similar words at! A license provided under copyright law allowing the recording of a musical work that has previously been legally recorded and can be obtained without having to obtain the copyright holder’s permission (thereby “compulsory”) but still requires the payment of a licensing fee. List of adjectives, synonyms, and related terms to describe music. More commonly referred to as Music ‘Sup’, someone who chooses and consults with the production company to acquire the music, songs, and scoring for a film or TV show. The list contains adjectives, synonyms, terminology, and other descriptive words related to music. A sound recording is a Master or Master Recording. A potential licensor may use a Clearing House to obtain the legal rights necessary to use the composition. The individual who takes a composition and decides the arrangement of a musical piece, such as which instrument will play what part, where it will fit into the piece etc. It is most often done when the film is at or near its final cut. This is different from the digital recording of which among many possibilities includes digital audio and digital video, which digital signals are represented as data or discrete numbers. Upward compression increases the loudness of sounds below a threshold while leaving louder passages unchanged whilst alternatively Downward compression reduces loud sounds over a certain threshold while quiet sounds remain unaffected. The term catalogue is usually used to reference a collection of songs owned by a publisher or songwriter. Words for Music. The person who creates the sounds that are atmospheric and/or non-musical for a project. music acoustic music is not made louder with electronic equipment. Money earned by a publisher, consequently divided with the songwriter, for the use of a song for which a synchronization license has been issued. Browse our range of professionally drafted music contracts for use in a wide range of music industry scenarios. Songful. if a CD charts, it sells enough copies to appear in the charts. Sweet-sounding. Since the Icona Pop revolution, female voices are being pushed and accepted as valuable brands. This fee was set by the Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel with a statutory mechanical royalty rate of ‘X’¢ per song for each track on a CD or download, or ‘X.XX’¢ each minute of playing time, whichever is greater. It is oart of the Creative Arts Business which cinema and theatre, where music is a vital part of there activites.The main aim of the indusrty is to make money from the product, in this case its music. And in a few years, the music we think is cool now will probably be outdated. Also the creator of classical music compositions. To be distinguished from Statutory Damages. Income is still generated but only from the performance of the music (listed in the cue sheets). Music industry is one of the best industries to work with if you are a musician. A term used to describe a type of musical cue used as a tag or musical signature following a TV program. Synchronization fees for a featured use are generally paid at a higher rate, Used in music licensing to indicate that the music can be used in the production and may also be used in an advertisement for the production such as a film trailer. Breakdown Notes (also called Timing Notes). … The agreement between the two parties that sets out the terms under which the composition(s) is transferred from the songwriter to the publisher, to include details of the share of subsequent incomes. The act of working with another party(ies) to create something, usually in order to complete a task that cannot be done alone. Shutterstock . it is paid again. 1 decade ago. Modern online music distribution depends on digital recording and data compression. The manufacturer then pays a royalty to the songwriter or to his music publisher for each unit of sheet music and each folio that is sold. Word clock: The metronome that governs sample timing is called the word clock and is important because precise timing of digital audio samples is critical when linking digital audio equipment. Also referred to as Copy Protection, a term referring to methods used to control or restrict the use of digital media content on electronic devices, such as CDs, DVDs etc. MIDI (Music Instrument Digital Interface). If you use this 10 words to describe music you are much more capable of talking about it while actually expressing yourself clearly and understandably. Both downward and upward compression reduce the dynamic range of an audio signal. Both downward and upward compression reduce the dynamic range of an audio signal. A&R is the division of a record label or music publishing company that is responsible for talent scouting and overseeing the artistic development of recording artists and/or songwriters. Soulful. Related words. The music is not licensed and is most often done as a ‘work for hire’ by the composer for the film/TV production company. Since it is considered a master, there are payments to both the publisher and master rights holder. 04/09/2017 Musical Composition describe, music, words Author English the phrase “symphony” can also be used to check with the orchestra, the large ensemble that usually performs these works. Within performing rights, Source Licence refers to a license granted by the copyright owner to the person, producer or organization being licensed to record or distribute the work, such as within a taped program, so that the performance of the recorded work needs no further license. Works copyrighted between 1964 and 1977 are granted automatic renewal by the Copyright Act without the necessity of filing a Renewal of Copyright. The song must also be registered with publishers in foreign territories who will register the song with their local mechanical rights and performing rights societies. With a Direct License, no royalties are collected by, or paid to, the Performing Rights Organizations such as BMI, ASCAP, SECAC etc. Feel free to use this list to expand your vocabulary and be more descriptive! 1 comment. A reproduction on paper of a musical composition, usually hand-made. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Unless assigned or sold, the writer share remains the property of the author. With the advent of the internet an additional set of royalties has come into play to secure income from internet downloading and all web interactivity such as simulcasting, webcasting, streaming, and online on-demand service. Production Libraries often use blanket licenses with television, film, and radio stations. Words used to describe music or musical instruments - thesaurus. We have collected almost all the words related to Music Vocabulary and listed them here for your reference. Notes an editor makes detailing timing for scenes for the composer to use to reference cues that have been spotted in a spotting session. The terms can vary on specific songs in the catalogue, for example, a publisher may gain ownership or control of a title if they were successful in placing the song in a production or obtained a cover. This option comes in to play especially with multimedia licenses such as games where elements of the song are moved around. A spotting session is a meeting with the composer and director/music supervisor to determine what type of music and where the music is placed in specific sections of a film. Performing rights organizations issue licenses to users of publicly performed, non-dramatic music for a fee, and then pay performing rights royalties to the publishers and songwriters. Related words. A webcast is a media presentation distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology to distribute a single content source to many simultaneous listeners/viewers. old-fashioned a list of the most popular songs during a particular week, based on the number of records sold. In contractual terminology, non-exclusive rights would ensure the party buying the specific right(s) does not benefit from exclusivity, thereby allowing the owner of said item or service to legally take a contract with other parties for the same item or service. See also Split Publishing. Works originally copyrighted prior to 1964 that were not renewed in their 28th year of copyright have fallen into the public domain. Favourite answer. A download from iTunes is considered a DPD. 0 0. atonal music is not written or played in any one key (=a set of … A songwriter who has an exclusive agreement with a publisher. Streaming involves the use of musical content “on-demand” as it is needed, unlike downloading the content, typically to a storage device such as a hard drive or other forms of storage. The file will be stored on your computer’s hard drive, but it is encoded so that it will no longer play once the subscription service is terminated. The music industry - thesaurus. In the music world, this might apply more commonly to piracy or other losses incurred by fraud or incompetence by an agent, label, manager, etc. Essay on Music – Written in English (Essay 6 – 600 Words) Introduction: Music could be defined as a collection of sounds and melodies. The person who oversees the recording of the score. Copyright protection acquired by virtue of the provisions of the U.S. A form of distortion, a signal or amplifier overload. In music, royalties fall into five categories: Print Rights, Mechanical Royalties, Performance Royalties, Sync (synchronization) Royalties and more recently with the advent of the internet Digital Rights. The procedure by which the owner of a copyrighted work can have US copyright protection retroactively revived, provided that it originated in a foreign country that is a member of the Berne Convention or World Trade Organization and is still protected there, and that fell into the public domain in the U.S. because, among other reasons, it failed to comply with certain formalities that had been a part of US law Restoration is accomplished by filing a form GATT with the US Copyright Office. Sonic. It's nothing against the music. Briefly describe the meaning of "the music industry." It also outlaws the manufacture of, or “trafficking” in, technologies capable of circumventing “technical protection measures” used to restrict access to copyrighted works and creates limits of the liability for copyright infringement of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) under certain conditions, as well as addresses other matters. The temporary music is either licensed or replaced. The music industry is a general term for all the parties involved in the creation, performance, recording, promotion, and managing the profitable business of music. If there is just one publisher, that publisher has administrative control. Also called bit depth, bit rate or bit resolution. The offering to distribute phonorecords to a group of persons for the purpose of distribution, public performance or public display constitutes publication, but simply performing a song in public does not constitute publication. Use the below list to find different terms pertaining to music. Thesis Statement II. An encoded file of music such as MP3, ACC, MP4 obtained via the Internet from digital music stores, peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, and other medium. Silvery. A detailed listing, usually prepared by the producer of the TV program or film, of each piece of music to be used in a film or television production listed by title, composer, publisher, timing, and type of usage. This term describes music that can be used in audio-visual works without a synchronization license or fee. The Register of Copyrights has been responsible for creating the procedures and practices of the US Copyright Office and establishing standards for registration of US copyright. Music piracy has definitely harmed the music industry for the worse, and continues to be a threat, as according to Digital Music News … Schedules prepared by radio and television stations for performing rights organizations such as BMI indicating by title, writer and artist all music performed on the station during a particular time period. hip hop (also "hip hop") (noun): a musical genre in which artists rap over beats and sampled sounds - I love Kanye West's hip hop albums. Discover comprehensive words and phrases to describe music of all genres. The following article explains how you can describe music using the 10 most common musical parameters: Rhythm, tempo, harmony, melody, instrumentation, dynamic, texture, genre, form and temperature. Referred to in internet shorthand as ‘P2P’ this allows users to download media files such as music, movies, and games using a P2P software client that searches for other connected computers. Staccato. Actual damages (sometimes called ‘Compensatory damages’) generally given to reimburse the victim’s economic losses for an example of compensatory damages might involve lost wages/earnings as well as potential expenses incurred as a result of the offense or event that created the problem. A term also used to describe short music cues during an action scene. A musical work used at the beginning and closing portions of a TV show or film or as a recurring piece of music throughout the show. For example, Absolute Radio is simulcast on both AM and on satellite radio, and the BBC’s Prom concerts are often simulcast on both BBC Radio 3 and BBC Television. Like most modern container formats, MPEG-4 allows streaming over the Internet. To be ‘featured work’ for example on television. The notes often contain other reference items such as dialogue, camera moves and sync code. What is Music Distribution & How Does It Work? The term used to describe the material object in which sounds, other than those on a soundtrack of an audio-visual work, are fixed and from which can be reproduced. A term used in cue sheet preparation describing the use of music to create a mood in order to support and enhance the dialogue. A type of synthesize with actual recorded sounds that are stored in computer memory. A legal term to describe monetary damages a copyright owner can sue for in the case of infringement of his/her work. SHOPPING Words That Describe The Music Industry And Music Machine Karaoke Words That Describe The Music Industry And Music Machine Karaoke Reviews : You want to Income is still generated but only from the performance of the music (listed in the cue sheets). Like all businesses, this type of industry is often misunderstood particularly for beginners dreaming to become big rock stars, pop stars, etc. Owners of IP are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works, discoveries and inventions, words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Composers and songwriters create songs, lyrics, and arrangements that are performed live on st… Consisting of a 12 character alpha-numeric code the ISRC functions as a digital “fingerprint” for each track. a TV show or film) to use the music. In the music world, this might apply more commonly to music piracy or other losses incurred by fraud or incompetence by an agent, label, manager etc. Soprano. Also referred to as Copy Protection. Some artist contracts contain a controlled composition clause that applies to musical works written and “controlled” by the artist. Anonymous. The clearinghouse is responsible for getting all the necessary legal rights for a licensor (e.g. People who play musical instruments or write music, Describing or relating to notes in the musical scale, Words for people according to the music they like.

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