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floating legs feeling

However, he notes, there are times when dizziness can point to more serious disorders, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, brain tumors or multiple sclerosis. How about driving I feel a bit loosie goosie behind the wheel Trish – how are the symptoms for you now? I believe this is usually labelled as depersonalization. Its just horrendous and has caused a great deal of anxietya nd panic. What I have learned about MY floating over the last 8 years is that anxiety makes it worse but I am not so certain any more than anxiety is the cause of it. I called my aunt scared to death that I was dying and she let me in on the family Panic/Anxiety disorder and could relate to every single one of my scary symptoms. Interestingly enough I received orders for overseas about 2 months ago, ironically the floating feeling immediately started. I identified this as “cataplexy,” but I don’t think it’s that either since I don’t have narcolepsy. My heart is at its optimum performance. Keep us posted and much love to you. Hello, Are you sure concerning the source? Was freaking out because I’ve never had this experience before. Others have done this through various alternative practices, meditation and anti-anxieties. I was diagnosed with many different variations of vertigo, however I knew this was not true. Mine bothers me a great deal when having to sit still. Then I was free from it for almost 7 years but it came back again in January of this year for 4 days. It was weird I tell ya, felt like I floating, yet I was actually moving. It is a good reminder for me to add it to the post above as a possible cause for people to look into. However I find stress makes it much worse. Please allow yourself the time to adjust to this — self-compassion goes a long way when it comes to something so petrifying like floating. A lot of people assume that vertigo has to be a spinning sensation, says Rauch, but it could be rocking, swaying, tumbling, or a feeling of bouncing up, as if you were on a pogo stick. I’ve been to every specialist and nothing has been found out. He’s terminally ill Feb ’15, better hurry. Thank you for taking the time to comment about your experience with parabolic flights and the “flashbacks” the feeling like you’re floating. It’s not true dizziness (although I get that as well) and it’s not vertigo, that much I knew. Diagnosis is made through patient history; physical examination; hearing tests; and balance tests. Thank you. – There is a different part of your brain that is responsible for reality construction, maintaining the feel that you are you and you are in this world around you. I can’t take this much longer. I sleep a lot when I ‘m not working so I don’t have to deal with it. I also started taking a Vitamin B complex with Vitamin C and also fish oil capsules. Don’t give up. Anxiety/Depression is kicking in hard with nothing to block it. Thank you so much for this. He was born in his sac with his placenta, needless to say the situation was traumatic but I felt an overwhelming sense of euphoria that was a little strange considering the circumstances. It is affecting my quality of life now and I so want it to go away! I no longer experience anxiety and very little disassociation and yet I still have the floating. Av done brain MRI but nothing. Coz the moment you think about it it comes back. In fact any pressure in my head… whether it be from sinus congestion or tension in the muscles in my neck/jaw/face/back of the head increase the floating sensation. Cameroon is all your symptoms because of lyme disease or not ? You don’t need to be on them forever but for me they changed my life. This happens because the pressure from the infection presses on a nerve behind your ear and it apparently confusing the messages going to your brain and can cause the onset of anxiety. But after some time and after getting everything checked there was no other answer besides a mental issue for me. No accidents! And is your floating unbalanced feeling was all the time or just epizodes? My floating is almost 99% GONE!!!!!! I have a strong sixth sense, am freakishly self aware and have been doing energy work since 1999 so this is all very comfortable to me. I mean what REALLY triggered it. Drink water and I mean a lot of it, not too much to over do it though, yet more than you would normally use. : Yes it is!! I was with a friend and i got dizzy and all of a sudden a really strong ‘dizzy’ feeling spread all over my body and i panicked. Trish, I have been experiencing this, Me and my friend both for about 11 months. Burning legs can be difficult to describe to a doctor. My family gathered around me and I was shaking, fearing and in cold sweating. This off balance feeling is worst for me in the MORNING and into early afternoon. I know this can be hard to admit to but I do find it can make the experience less anxiety-provoking. what I think- think there is definitely a stress anxiety component however whether the stress is causing the tension in my shoulders neck and jaw or vice versa I am not sure. Eventually the sensation will subside to the point you will not notice it most of the time. I agree with Reena. It’s ruining my life. Just like that. If you keep going with slowly easing into your new glasses, in time you will adapt, I promise. For my experiences — which of course includes my floating but also seizure like states that I now know are called (Kundalini) Kriyas — I needed to go further down the rabbit hole to find others who had similar symptoms to mine. From what I understand it looks like in some people anxiety actually crosses into the part of the brain that affects balance and that is where these floating sensations come from. I have a constant headache. Hi I am Carol, 7 years ago I burnt my self out physically and mentally. In my experience, the anxiety makes it worse so if you can work to manage your anxiety around it, then it gets better. It now feels like muscle, limbs, etc. Yes, I would say it is the same thing I experience–though I am not a professional and encourage you to seek medical analysis if you have not already. I hope everything goes well with the cruise and that you enjoy your Christmas. I am crying right now from happiness knowing that there are others who have gone through the same thing. That paranoia came on last year where a young guy in our town was crushed between two semis on the freeway because traffic had come to a halt and the semi wasn’t paying attention and flew up on the guy in the pickup and crushed his truck. I’m sorry this is so long. But I have a long list of chronic illnesses that started at the same time as the floating and I’m tired. essentially, psychedelics/psychoactives/analysis of self, takes our etheric body out of our physical body and pushes it through the astral regions towards the spiritual realms (exerpienced each night in deep, dreamless sleep of the delta brain waves and deep, silent meditation) but we are stuck in the astral regions/4dimensional space(where feelings occur, as feelings are instantaneous, as is communication between cells and electrons and minds and biological fields) and this is where a lot of floating can occur i’ve noticed within myself, feeling floaty now going on seven years. Good. Other than those head positions, I do not get it all. Though I have had mental health practitioners give their best guess with the floating being related to dissociation, given my research (particularly Dr. Scarer into PTSD, I do believe the floating (which can also be termed as vertigo) is related to the dissociation one experiences when triggered into the fight/flight/freeze response which in my understanding, is a different state of being than that experienced with dissociation disorders. 4 weeks later my floating stopped. in a strange way. Its been about a week now since Ive been getting this once again. When I see it as something positive and encouraging it takes the fear of the floating away and it motivates me to work on all the thinking and lifestyle habits I know help with anxiety. I think you just nailed something for me. I had this weird feeling (or, rather, ‘sensation’, which is another thing you pinpointed) happen ONE damn time. I can’t stay on my computer for hours and I can’t drink caffeine. Try our AI assistant here. I’m not alone. I find that I am no way near as anxious as I was months ago and I am not thinking about the balance being there like I used to. I did have these sensations after two boat trips with a sailboat, where I have been on the boat for about a week, and it lasted some 3-4 days. I’ll definitely update you and everyone if I discover anything or make strong progress. Thanks again so glad I found this page!! I am not sure if this is what is happening to me. For me I do find a correlation between sinusitis” infection in the nasal passage and dizzyness, “a bit like i am tripping without the drugs and a definite mental decline/lack of ability to concentrate and so forth..When i do a nasal rinse/flush say once daily my “flu”” like symtoms, foggy cloudy head seems to improve after a couple of days, First day or two after i usually feel even more groggy?? My floating started after numerous flying experiences. Answer Save. Today i just deal with it and know it will pass in time. Hi Natalie. As I focused more on it possibly being my ears, I thought back more. Hi Eden. what should i do? I only went to one for 1 month and It did help but i felt it came to a stand still. I wish with all my heart that they find an inner ear infection and that clears it up for you. It’s late afternoon now and I have no floating or imbalance, just this groggy feeling of a benzo. Most of my tension is in my shoulders, neck, jaw and head so that is where I feel the floating the most. Both are normal. Towards the weekend, it came back. It is a physical issue that can be addressed! I did get rid of the spinning/floating once. It’s like a weird head rush feeling that really freaks me out and I’m convinced im dying of something. I often feel like that. It may decrease in intensity or increase. I may explain it to others as being sensitive but I do believe that is not truly the case… I believe that our energy is different from the people the energy worker practitioner usually works on and the floating is an indication of that. I also encourage you to always listen to your body in an energy work situation. PS. For me, this fear was resolved by working through trauma — specifically the trauma of waking up one day to find I had this floating sensation and how terrifying that was. I wonder if I inherited his DNA. I think your approach of keeping busy is a good one. And I have come to realizing that focusing on things will divert myself from the floating, and I begun to look for anything to take my mind off the floating. -Shaky legs and arms and hands. The portal was “centropy” and the cure was the side effect of mind expansion. xoxo. Sunlite Sports EVA 5-Layer Pull Buoy Leg Float - Pool Training Aid, Legs and Hips Support for Adults, Kids, and Beginners, for Swimming Stroke 4.6 … They can look at brain chemestry and really dig down to why you are feeling these crazy sensations. I have the same feelings all day and the only time they seem to subside is when I am outside working in the garden. If you are walking, you might suddenly feel as if you are tipping over. People don’t have their eyes and minds on the roads anymore, they’re focused on their phones. So now my question is, does this article mean I’m not crazy? Someone always has it worse! As opposed to a fixed roof tank there is no vapor space in … For additional info, I also quit smoking cigarettes too at about the same time as i quit weed. I have not had the distorted hearing. “If your symptoms are centered exclusively around the ear, and you want to wait it out, there’s probably no big danger in doing that,” says Rauch. It could be any of those things — I wouldn’t rule out any of them. It's been described as: tingling, burning, itching or throbbing ; a "creepy-crawly" feeling ; feeling like fizzy water is inside the blood vessels in the legs Something in the antibiotics, the air? I ended up calling my therapist as I am a panic attack sufferer and anxiety, and she said its anxiety. Its a urine test done by The Great Plains Laboratory in Lenexa, Kansas. but that goes after a few min. I would have to look more into something like that before I’d believe it. I may have to mention this episode to my doctor. So when I feel I cannot cope and cannot fight my way out, I was to flee. Have never experince floating but could understand what it would feel like the way you discribed it. I would appreciate it if you guys can leave your Instagram usernames or add me at @Ashley.samara.lopez to create a group chat where we can talk to each other to remind ourselves it’s ok. (Btw if it’s useful to any Im 17 and started experiencing this 6 months ago and a little bit when I was 11), Instagram name is Ali.peterson I found myself leaning or holding myself up in fear I would loose my balance. I also hate semi trucks. You certainly will find a ton. This helped to decrease my anxiety around the sensation dramatically. sometimes it feels like gravity increases and I feel heavier – weird I know…, Things that I feel – tension tension tension – just under the occiput/ back of the head and neck – jaw clenching and tightness (I got a bite plate- no help) shoulders are super tight -blocked ears- squeaking of the ears if I eat – crunching sounds in my neck and in my TMJ. I am very stressed especially when I am sitting and standing straight I feel I Will loose my balance.then I think all the time that something is wrong with me.plz explain me how u able to manage with your balance.are u doing any exercise?

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