funniest tv show quotes
Those who have not watched this season are hereby advised to watch it as soon as possible and share the funny moments and friends TV show quotes with your friends and family. The hit TV show The Office is a fan favorite known for its memorable characters, wild antics, and hilarious quotes. For a sitcom in the '90s, Friends is still iconic today. We have a list of funny TV quotes from the funniest TV sitcoms of all time. These hilarious quotes from the iconic television show The Office will crack up your friends!. The TV show still makes us laugh now, and here are the funniest quotes from the gang. If a character can be defined by one or two memorable lines, then it’s easy to introduce that person to new viewers each week. — The Wire. Three monkeys escaped from the zoo, one was caught watching TV, the other playing hockey, and the third one was caught reading this quote! 10 Quotes From Friends That Are Still Hilarious Today. 31 Iconic Television Quotes You'll Never Be Able To Forget. I'll bet "The Rachel" that the American people will never get an answer. Check these funny quotes from TV sitcoms out. Is there gonna be a reunion? See for yourself by reading 15 of the best according to Paste Magazine. "Come on Ross, you're a paleontologist, dig a little deeper." ... Life is like a very long TV show, without a remote control. Catchphrases can be crutches, then, but they can also be funny or memorable, or at least take on a life of their own. ^_^ Sources:, It's been 11 years since Friends went off the air and people are still asking this question. Funny quotes about watching television and from various TV shows. I hope you all enjoyed the funny Friends TV show quotes. Startup Life 17 Really Funny Quotes from the Popular TV Show, The Office Whether you need a pick me up for the start of your workweek, or just need a good laugh, these quotes will help. Throughout its 9 season run, 'The Office' had countless memorable and funny quotes. - Shawn Spencer - Andrew Reich Whether you’re enjoying the series for the first time or binge-watching your favorite episodes again, these lines are guaranteed to make you laugh. Best Friends Quotes. Life Quotes Short Quotes. Thankfully, we can relive the late 90's and early 00's through the wonderful world of syndication. Best Psych Quotes. ... "You come at the king, you best not miss." Here’s a look at the 20 best sitcom catchphrases. Funny characters from our favorite television sitcoms tend to attract us more often. "Well, the plot, unlike your hair, continues to thicken." If you like what you are reading, check out our other quotes articles best tv show quotes and [Seinfeld quotes].
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