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legion companion new vegas

Anyways. Here’s the Caesar’s Quest guide from wikicheats. Anyone know of any good Legion mods for New Vegas. As a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse in Fallout: New Vegas, he researches the potential medicinal uses of naturally occurring compounds for the chapter that resides in Freeside's Old Mormon Fort. 1 Background 2 Personality 3 Relationships 4 … Ulysses was going to be in the main game as a Legion Follower. People in the Mojave have different opinions on how the Legion views homosexuality. Be aware that Boone, one of your possible companions, … But what I seem to have gathered from my previous playthrough (NCR ending) is that NONE of the … (3) (Optional) Upgrade Close. Velius is voiced by Dazedblackbird and is unique for a variety of reasons, the most notable of which is he’s transgender, and how he reconciles that reality with the misogynistic attitudes of his peers is something I felt was worth exploring. So I'm going to start a new game since my computer crashed on me last time and erased all my data (Yes Man missions and just got to Hoover Dam too! Here’s a character that’s been in the works for some time, an ex-Legion companion for Fallout: New Vegas. EDIT 2 : J.E. Fallout games excel in choice-driven narratives. or, Boone no-scope 360, kills a mole-rat munching on a muttfruit two kilometers away. This is the main quest line that allies you with Caesar’s Legion. 650 hours logged,and I still play. TT^TT ) and this time I'm going to be a evil bastard and join the Legion and see how much havoc and chaos I can commit! or, 0. Im probably a lightweight compared to everyone else,heh. (1) (Optional) Find Mr. House's hidden bunker, buried beneath the Legion Stronghold at Fortification Hill. Fallout New Vegas: 10 Choices That Will Effect Which Ending You Get. If you follow it to the end of the game, it will result in the Legion taking over New Vegas and the wasteland.ADVERTISEMENT. (2) Explore the bunker. I use Vulpes Inculta as my follower for Legion Couriers. What fun! Arcade Israel Gannon[2] (born 2246)[2] is a possible companion of the Courier in Fallout: New Vegas. ... Boone is the only Fallout companion who gets criticized because he does his job too well. There are no Legion or Pro-Legion followers ingame. Ive played a LOT of New Vegas in my time since the games release,as Im sure many of us here have. Well, first of all, Ulysses doesn't, in fact, he only favors the Legion a little more than the NCR for a few reasons. Legion Playthrough - Suggest Some Mods! He was cut sadly.. You could check out the Ulysses companion mod. He's a mod too though. SCROLL TO CONTINUE READING. - posted in New Vegas Discussion: Heyo! In all of my time playing New Vegas,however,Ive never played as a Legion character. I hear there was originally supposed to be a Legion-positive companion (Ulysses from the Lonesome Road DLC), but his removal makes the Legion even harder to support. Sawyer, project director and lead designer, released a bit of background info on life in Arizona under Legion rule (spoilered below). Personally. Go check out Legion companions on the Nexus. "He's stealing all my kills."

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