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wobbly cat syndrome litter box

Though the ones with severe CH require a lot more attention, the reward is sooo worth it. What a lovely blog. Start Here. Could this still be this condition? The love that exists between her and I is a testament to the joy of caring for a cat/kitten with CH. The most helpful thing that could be done for a kitten with cerebellar hypoplasia would be to give her a safe indoor environment with easy access to food, water and a litter box. We had a stray beautiful cat turn up on our doorstep, so we started feeding her, after a few weeks she started to come indoors, and was getting quite tame and quite round, I said to my husband she pregnant, she has found us to look after her. Good luck with the adoption. He is super affectionate, kneading and purring madly. Tumbles is no different than one of my children. Thanks, Giavanna. He marches around the house like he’s on a mission, and falls over many times a day. I have a sweet boy that goes byWobbles, Wobert, or Wobby. My son and I raised him, bottle fed him. She will run fast and tip over get back up and just keep going. Years ago. It just started a couple of months ago though. With her brothers and sisters shes such a trooper though she runs n is a great climber. She is completely blind and can not walk at all. She still has to take a few seconds when she first gets up, but when she does, she jumps of the couch and stumbles and wobbles to get food. She will all of a sudden take off and run around in a manner that seems like she has no control of what she’s doing. i havent had for to long but i have learnt his ways and how he has to do certain things. Our cat icesis may hve ch the vet says its possible. You can purchase claw caps at pet stores and online (I get mine at Amazon), and they’re glued on like we glue on fake nails. she now walks better and can jump unto almost everything. I was getting cat food for my cat at a pet store who were having a cat adoption day. He gets very tried and sleeps all the time by himself. We’ve tried several different types of cat food and it all results in the same. On days when his legs didn’t cooperate, Huey took it all in stride, and proceeded slowly and with care. However I do not feel we are doing the best for him and I’m ruling out different things and researching the internet at the moment. I think this cat is blessed with more than 9 lives. She has never used the litter box. My house has lots if stairs and i work ft, so am worried i wouldn’ t be the best home for a ch cat. We adopted Twitch when he was a kitten from our local animal shelter, after doing a little research on his condition. He had no signs of contagious illness. We decided to name him Hobbes. when she walked her hind legs would be close together. Thankfully his case is mild and I am SO relieved to learn it is not progressive! Today she seems ok. Adorable CH kittens- CHARLIE AND CHAMP!! Cassie and little one are proof. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated…thanks! I fed and got her water for 3 days then took her to our vet. Does this sound like this neurological condition? While i was at work. Do these things get worse ? Was she able to learn to go in a certain place or do you have to clean her up daily? My cat’s name is Iggy, she just started acting like Charley, was wondering if you guys can tell me if CH could’ve been somerging she developed or are CH cats born with this type of behavior. They say CH cats are born with this condition. I recently had the chance to visit with a Amelia, a CH kitten. A litter box with high walls! I have a CH kitten that is 5 months old. However, I seem to end up with the ones that aren’t adoptable. His bloods have come back clear also. Marina: You sounded unsure, but you did a great job describing the exercises you and your cat did. We caught 2 of a litter of 5 wild kittens born 9/12–one of them has CH. Simply vaccinate your kitten or cat against feline distemper before they can become pregnant. We are a foster bassed rescue only we are mainly a TNR rescue in Colorado. In all I’ve read online, I see nothing about deafness in CH cats. Rico is (we think, he’s a shelter adoptee) a bit over 9 months now. Its estimated that cognitive declinereferred to as feline cognitive dysfunction, or FCDaffects more than 55% of cats aged 11 to 15 years and more than 80% of cats aged 16 to 20 years. I am glad to know that you are giving a loving home to some wonderful little creatures with special challenges, and perhaps special gifts. And as in Laura’s reply, she runs sideways and it seems like her front and back ends don’t entirely work together; and when she is headed someplace and determined to get there, she does “march.” One other thing I’ve noticed is that Sneaker does not do well with cold weather. We left immediately to take her to the vet. Would get super freaked out if we moved at anything other than slow. Kiki is sooooo loving and precious…we adore her. I read tht its not suppose to get worse but over the 3 yrs we jve had her it is slowly getting worse. It’s no surprise kittens improve with age just as children do with therapy. Several years ago I started rescuing and fostering from my local Animal Protective League. Your site encouraged me to bring home this little pumpkin…, Hi all, I adopted my little Leo almost two years ago from Washington Humane Society in DC. Most of the benefits of cat diapers are obvious: They keep your cat from making a mess everywhere, saving him embarrassment and saving you work. My CH cat is deaf too!!! We started building custom Kitty Kastles out of old styled entertainment centers. I recently adopted an CH cat. This is true. Thanks to you all!! I could kiss him all day.. Back in March of this year my stray momma cat had a litter of 4 and I noticed one of them could barely walk and his head shook while trying to eat and the other kittens seemed to push him away so I brought him inside . When I’m not around or at work he takes care of her,helping her use the litter, and taking her from bed to the water and food. We decided about a month ago that we were ready for another kitten. For whatever reason, his kidneys failed, we treated him for months, and he was not responding to the treatment . Good luck! We have a bengal cat named Amore and the vet thinks she has cerebellar hypoplasia, because she constantly moves her head from side to side, especially when she gets upset about something. we couldn’t get near her without meowing loudly. My Vet says he is sure its CH. A loss of balance commonly occurs when a cat is suffering from vestibular disease. From there, we adopted her in 2008 and we have been amazed with how much her mobility improved with living in a home. Otherwise, they adore each other and are getting along famously. Lots of pee rags for when he won’t use the litterbox. She is obsessed with being clean. Cats with CH arnt bad, I had visitors call her retarded,well she isn’t.. She’s actually very smart she’s just special. My Maxim has MVD, a liver issue with undersize blood vessels. She and several litter-mates were sick with an undiagnosed illness (and not for lack of trying, they did every assay they could), one died, the rest recovered, but she remained very small (soo many blood tests, soo many negative results). This is a new thing for him. So I took the kittens to the Protection for Animals, (SPANA) they will find families to adopt the kittens. Lately hes been having seizures. No improvement and not worse. I found out today that our 9 month old kitty’s condition is CH. CH kittys have lousy perception and can’t defend themselves. I adopted a kitty from a shelter about 8 years ago, she was the only cat left and no one had wanted her for some reason. Poop only, evidently she’s still urinating in the litter box. He is the most loving cat I have ever had I just want to make his life better. She puts up with him though.o. Hi Kat! Use mats in front of food and water dishes as well as the litter box. The people around started at this poor cat. For Lacey the only thing (which is at the top of the last of stressful scenarios ) was her move in with me and my husband. He passed on his own and i miss him so very much. Nothing stopped Huey. There was another one that, I call tinker, that dances. Mary, the owner with Angel, how do you deal with her urinating? She will chase me(with a string in tow)around the house but will not play with anyone else. I love her to pieces & would adopt one ( or more!) My oldest cat, who is also the most impaired, is truly amazing. WILL NOT send him to a shelter. Tania, We currently have three kittens for adoption and have shared this wonderful article which explains in great detail that the kittens can go on to have a wonderful and fulfilled life. She is still scratching her ears. I have a 10 week old CH kitten, Freya, and I have found her soaked in her own urine at least once a day. I think her condition is from being born last… 18 hours after her last brother. I am thinking about adpoting a cat with CH. Even all his insides were all deformed. He loves to be close and sleep with us. Hello. Her near is Tinkerbelle. Thanks, Giavanna. I just found out my feral cat that I found suffering badly trying to survive on her own has it. Another ear infection or something more. She is otherwise loving and happy but she pees on herself daily and doesn’t always go pee when I try to stimulate her. I hope it works out, but if not, there are many other CH kitties up for adoption too: She is quite wobbly on her back legs, but that never seems to stop her! He has us wrapped around his fuzzy paws. . I had a CD cat which I just lost. I did not think anything was wrong with her, only that was just trying to adapt to her new surroundings. Even though they may think they’re normal, depending on the severity of their CH, they may be somewhat limited in ability and learn how to do things differently. My daughter is wheelchair bound & has problems holding her new kitty…likewise, the kitty can’t get up into her chair, either. Their are caps that can be put on your cats claws. Alfie Cat was 7 years old. Hi my is Kat, I found a kitten in the bushes on August 4, was only a week or two old. Good luck! Just need helpful hints. That was one of the best days of my life. We also call our CH cat KiKi!! He has gotten better as hes got older. Email me @ Chrishabender9@gmail. As the level of severity increases, so does the intensity of care that may be required. Our 14-month old puppy has adopted her and makes sure she is safe all the time. Her siblings were far worse but all found good homes. All of my kitties love them! Neither can jump up on an object, Tinker Bell can pull her self up on a chair. Thanks very much One kitten can walk slowly but watches sadly from the corner as her brothers play. He has his own funky walk and still falls over sometimes, but his balance and coordination have improved a lot over the years. They are so cute and play like nothing was ever wrong. One of my cats named Bella will sit with him and lick in back, belly and rear end just like a Mama cat. She is so great, full of love and personality. I love her, she’s so loveable and loves as much attention as she can get from whoever will give it to her. I am now in Colorado working in Rescue and I’m looking to see if anyone knows of any resources here. I will never forget him and will always miss him very much. Does anyone have any ideas for adoption or no kill shelters? Took her for bloodwork and the other vet put her on antibiotics while we waited for the results. I would like to give her the best forever home here I can give her. The HS has just put her on the floor so they weren’t with her long enough to realize she was special. I love my babies and I’m not to fond of people. He walks right through doorways without brushing the edge. and he is sooo sweet. He has a mild CH but does wobble when he walks. He has got a little worse recently. She is a little spitfire, her back legs are very wobbly and she has a pretty good head bob, as well as having asthma. Clearly that was and is an indication of neuromuscular repatterning. We asked my brother if anything was wrong with him but my brother was very puzzled by our question. Then he was having trouble eating and drinking. Into the garage and then into the screened porch. Thats so cool!! Hello! When we got him home we noticed he tipped over easily, has difficulty jumping, and when walking his back legs just didn’t seem to always work or he stumbles going up the stairs and has a really funny gait coming down the stairs – he hops instead of a normal gait so he sounds like a bouncy ball coming/going . My heart broke for her. Hi there! It’s been 2.5 years, and we have loved every moment of caring for this sweet cat. I am a nurse and just adopted a Maine Coon mix who I believe has CH- all of the symptoms match and he has no signs of contagious illness. And I love your blog!!!! My first recommendation would be to take the kitten to the vet just to make sure everything checks out. The big thing is getting the right size of caps, depending on the size of the cat! I can usually let Henry go immediately after so he can walk, and he gets a treat for behaving. I have a kitten that is about 6 months old now that I am fostering. I found that he DOES use his claws to get around, even though he’s probably just a mild case — so PLEASE don’t declaw Charlie! They do not need to die. I forgot to mention the grand finale: When Wayne wants to play with a toy again, he heads straight for it an unerringly finds it. I would try to Google it or put a message on a Facebook Page. They are all in need of forever homes, but I want to find a really loving home for the this little wobbly guy. This doesn’t sound like CH. He said he was glad she found me because he has been my vet for 15 years and knows I go to great length for all my animals. He doesn’t seem to use his sense of smell much, but even if he was smelling catnip, he actually does this more often with things that don’t have any catnip. From what my vet told me they are born with CH. You would never know it has plastic under it. So my question is, when we get ready for all cats to meet, are there any special actions we should take to do so? I had a bleed in that area and I was paralyzed and unable to talk for almost a year and they told my family I wasn’t going to make it through the night, that was in 2004 I walk and talk and I am very independent so I have faith in this little kitty and I will Adopt the little one when they are ready. Like someone whose surgical graft tore loose and caused havov for him. Meow do you do? What Squall lacks in balance he more than makes up for in personality. My kitten legs splay out laterally when shes sitting (it looks like shes peeing.) My daughter is a sickly child who has home-schooled, so we feel that we can give the new baby the time she needs.

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